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CE Markings on Automatic Doors. Is it the responsibility of the manufacturer or the installer?

marcado ce puerta automatica

Any product sold in the European Union must display the CE marking. This proves that it complies with the requirements of the applicable European directives and allows the product to be sold on the European market. In the case of an automatic door, the CE marking indicates that the product complies with the safety requirements of the European Union Machinery Directive.

A CE marking is a legal requirement for a product to be sold on the EU market. Automatic doors are regarded as safety products and, as such, are subject to a number of European directives to ensure that they are safe and do not pose a risk to people or goods crossing through them. This marking, in addition to indicating compliance with the essential safety requirements set out in the EU Machinery Directive, also involves other European directives such as the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC).

All Manusa automatic doors and their accessories have the CE marking and an EC declaration of conformity to offer the highest guarantees to the business or company that wishes to install intelligent accesses in its building or premises. At Manusa, as manufacturers, we are responsible for attaching the CE marking to the product and, as well as the instruction manual in several languages, we include information about us as a manufacturer, the characteristics of the door and the technical requirements for maintenance and uses for the door.

We are well aware of the importance of this code, which is widely recognised throughout Europe and worldwide. To obtain this marking, our products are subjected to risk assessments, durability, and safety tests such as entrapment, stability or mechanical resistance. This ensures that all our products are optimally marketed and ready for use by companies that want to install them in their facilities and properties.

CE marking is mandatory for construction and architectural projects

At Manusa we prioritise safety as one of the most important values in our processes of design, manufacture, and installation of automatic doors. Contact Manusa now, whether you manage or run a company, you are an architect or you work in the construction sector. We will help you install intelligent accesses that comply with all regulations and are efficient and secure every time they open or close.