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Intelligent access at UK airports

Intelligent access at UK airports

Airports are busy places, and some of them see millions of passengers passing through them on a daily basis. They are some of the busiest places in the transport sector, especially those that are located in large cities and serve as a stopover for international flights. Security is a major concern for all airports, but especially for those with the highest levels of passenger traffic.

One of the main issues related to access control is the challenge of allowing only those with approved access to restricted areas into the airport, and this is where intelligent access solutions can really help.

Intelligent access solutions for airports include automatic doors for the different areas of the airport, and one-way corridors.

One-way corridors are made up of two doors that open automatically in the direction of flow of the passengers. They are equipped with alarms that are triggered whenever anyone attempts to use them in the opposite direction and an automatic locking device that is only unlocked when the corridor is empty. They are usually connected with other existing management and control systems so that they can be monitored by staff.

The benefits of one-way corridors include:

  • Controlled passenger flow
  • High-sensitivity sensors which detect unauthorized access and left items
  • Easy integration into existing security systems
  • Range of security levels

access automatic doors uk airports

Intelligent access solution for Gatwick Airport (UK)

Manusa carried out one of its most emblematic projects at Gatwick Airport, the UK’s second most busiest airport, and the eighth busiest in Europe. The project involved installing three one-way corridors, with a special width of 1200 mm, and two additional anti-approach structures to increase security and prevent uncontrolled access to the one-way corridors.

These Manusa access controls guarantee that no unauthorized individual can enter certain areas of the airport or retrace their steps, especially when leaving the aircraft on their way to customs, passport control and baggage reclaim.

In places where security is a priority, such as airports, Manusa offers a range of products and more than 50 years of experience in the industry. Contact our team of experts now if you and find out more.