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Products and services
The benefits of automatic doors in department stores
In cities with a large number of inhabitants, there are large shopping centres and supermarkets. These are buildings with open-plan spaces and wide aisles where people come to shop, enjoy leisure time or take a stroll.
These retail buildings are frequented by a large group of people throughout the week, with particular intensity and agglomeration at weekends. The first step that potential customers take after parking their car or arriving on foot or by public transport in the vicinity of the department store is to cross the entrance. It is essential and helpful that these entrances from the street have automatic doors.
This facilitates the smooth flow of people in both directions, both incoming and outgoing, especially during the sales or Christmas season. Automation also increases the hygiene of the building against bacteria and viruses as no one has to touch the doors to enter the building. In addition, the elimination of architectural barriers allows the comfortable entrance of people in wheelchairs, people pushing a baby trolley or a shopping trolley, people with their hands full of shopping bags and all people with walking difficulties.
Manusa offers solutions for these types of businesses. The most outstanding in its catalogue are:
How to improve energy efficiency in large surfaces?
Automatic doors help to save energy and electricity in supermarkets and shopping centres by preventing draughts from the outside that can cause a sudden change in temperature, whether the heating or air conditioning is on.
The automation of accesses allows the incorporation of accessories that give added value to the businesses where they are installed. For example, the occupancy control system, which helps managers of large supermarkets to know how many people are inside the building, especially during busy periods such as Christmas shopping.
If you wish to install automatic doors in your business, contact Manusa now and we will inform you about all the steps to follow to include this type of products in the entrances and exits of the building.